Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I.T. Project †Converting a Card Index System to a Database Essay

The present system is based on the manual card index system so most of the work is done by hand, however due to the ever increasing growth of technology, and the internet, a wide range of resources are now being made easily accessible. British Airways has recently introduced booking online, where customers can book a flight and accommodation all over the Internet. Being such a big company as British Airways, most of their bookings are made through travel agents who book the flights and pass the information on to them. Question 1 – Could you describe the current system being used by Question 2 – How are these cards stored? Question3 – What problems do you encounter at the moment? Software Available MICROSOFT OFFICE 2000 WORD PROCESSOR – MICROSOFT WORD 2000 A word processing package is a program or set of programs used to edit, format, store and print documents. Word processors have many important unique features: * Spelling and Grammar Checker Misspelt words, or grammatical errors can be identified and corrected by the words in the computers dictionary. Correct words, identified by the spell check as wrong can be added to the dictionary. * Automatic creation of index and table of contents Any word in the text can be marked for inclusion in an index. Headings and subheadings in a given style can be included automatically in a table of contents, which can be updated at any time. * Import Files Tables, photographs, graphics, video and sound files can be imported from other sources and inserted in a document. * Mail merge A document and a list of names and addresses can be merged to produce personalised letters. * Creation of templates with preset text styles. Margins, formatting, letterheading etc. * WYSIWYG This stands for ‘What You See Is What you Get’, and refers to the ability to display on the screen. And enables the user to see their work on the screen exactly as it will be printed. SPREADSHEET – MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 Spreadsheet packages allow a user to create worksheets (spreadsheets) representing data in column and row form. Spreadsheets are used for any application that uses numerical data, such as budgets, cash flow forecasts, profit and loss statements, student marks or results of experiment. Spreadsheet features: * Format cells, rows and columns, specifying for example, the alignment of text, number of decimal points, height and width of cells. * Copy cell contents to other locations, with automatic adjustment of formulae from an area to another location. * Determine the effect of several different hypothetical changes of data; this facility is called ‘what-if’ calculation. * Insert, move or delete rows and columns. * Use functions such as sum, average, max, min in formulae * Create a simple database and sort or query the data to produce a report of, say for example, all males gaining over a ‘C’ grade, for a list of students. * Write macros to automate common procedures * Create templates – Spreadsheets with formats and formulae already entered, into which new figures may be inserted. * Create ‘multi dimensional’ spreadsheets using several sheets, and copy data from one sheet to another * Create many different types of chart and graphs DATABASE – MICROSOFT ACCESS 2000 A database is a collection of data. It may be something as simple as a list of names and addresses or details of the CDs in your personal collection, or it may contain details of all the customers, products, orders and payments in a large organisation. When made reference to, the word ‘database’ is assumed to be data held on a computer, but manual databases also exist. Some smaller business (a garage) may hold a card index file with details about a customer and their car. The main difference between a manual and computerised databases is the speed at which data can be accessed. PRESENTATION GRAPHICS – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2000 Presentation graphics software such as PowerPoint is useful for putting together a presentation which can be delivered using a computer attached to a projection device, using transparencies and an ordinary overhead projector or as a self-running presentation in, say a shopping centre or cinema. The software allows the user to quickly create ‘slides’ combining text, graphics and pictures and to create animation or sound effects and ‘transition’ effects between slides. OPERATING SYSTEM – MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98 Hardware Available These are the specifications of the PC I am using at Home: OPERATING SYSTEM WINDOWS(r) 98 PLUS! CPU INTEL(r) CELERONTM / 333MHZ RAM 64MB FOR WINDOWS(r) 98 SCREEN DISPLAY 800 BY 600 PIXELS TRUE COLOUR (32 BIT) CD-ROM SPEED 32-SPEED AVAILABLE SPACE ON HARD DRIVE 2.4GB AUDIO 16-BIT SOUND CARD OTHER LOUDSPEAKERS These are the system specifications for the systems at school: OPERATING SYSTEM WINDOWS(r) 98 CPU 433MHZ RAM 32MB FOR WINDOWS(r) 98 SCREEN DISPLAY 640 BY 480 PIXELS 256 COLOURS CD-ROM SPEED 24 SPEED AVAILABLE SPACE ON HARD DRIVE 10MB AUDIO 8-BIT SOUND CARD PRINTER HP LASERJET All systems should have Microsoft Office 97/2000. All systems must have Microsoft Excel 97/2000. End User’s IT Literacy The end user of my system will already have basic IT skills and will have already had experience with the Microsoft Office Package. As they are working for a big trans-national company, they would have already undergone training in the secretarial sector, of which IT skills are a key part. To even have the job, they would have to be able to type quickly, answer calls and transmit data efficiently. Therefore, training costs will be kept to a minimum. Final Choice Having looked at the current system and the software and hardware available, I have decided to use Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet program to design my booking system. Spreadsheet packages allow a user to create worksheets (spreadsheets) representing data in column and row form. Spreadsheets are used for any application that uses numerical data, such as budgets, cash flow forecasts, profit and loss statements, student marks or results of experiments. Spreadsheets offer a wide range of facilities making the task easier to perform. SKILLS: Current/To be acquired I have a good understanding of the Microsoft Excel package. I have done quite a few calculations and performed basic macros. Having looked through the coursework of former students, and reading through the coursework guide, I realise that I need to improve my knowledge of Excel. Excel is a powerful package and can carry out many tasks easily if instructed correctly. I have already started to go through sample projects showing me how to go about certain tasks with a book titled ‘Successful I.T. Projects in Excel’, written by P.M Heathcote. End User Requirements > Provide detailed reports showing customer booking for every working day. > Produce summary reports for flight bookings in order of popularity. > Allow data entry for new customers. > Provide easy access for amendments to customer details and flight details. > Automatic backup for all centralised records daily and weekly. > Provide an exception report for outstanding customer debts or extreme bank credit limits. > The system should record financial details concerning money in/outstanding. > Allow queries on the current flight availability. Quantitative Criteria > Printed tickets are to be generated within 15 minutes. > Accessing and amending customer/Fight/Airport details should be instantaneous. > Queries are processed promptly on customer request. > Backup should occur automatically every 24 hours. > Flight details processed every Friday (1 hour max) > Exception reports are produced quickly on demand within a minute. Qualitative Criteria > The system should provide a workable Human Computer Interface system according to different users, i.e. simple menu selections or buttons > The company logo is consistent on all forms and reports. > Amount of available screen data is kept to a minimum (increase usability) > Help systems are easily accessible.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chemical Warfare During World War 1 Essay

The first World War has been reported to be one of the most brutal wars in the history of time for many reasons. One of those reasons was strategic usage of chemical warfare. Chemical gas was used on both sides of the line, which turned out to be fatal for many. World War I was mostly fought in the trenches, where soldiers lived in deep, v-shaped holes or underground bunkers. Both sides would occupy these trenches in order to escape from the constant stream of bullets. These battles often ended in a standoff, or tie, which helped the introduction of a different, brand new style of fighting that included the use of chemicals. These chemicals had a range of effects. These effects ranged from a simple tearing agent, to causing a slow, painful dead by asphyxiation or heart failure. Some believe it was the Germans who started chemical warfare but it was the French who really started it. It was the first month of the war, August 1914 and the Germans were rapidly advancing through Belgium, and were approaching the French border at an incredible velocity. As defense, the French fired tear gas grenades (these contained bromide vapor) on their own troops to scare the Germans and have them hesitate until the gas had dispersed. Nevertheless, the Germans were the first to seriously study chemical weapons, create and use fatal chemicals, and the first to use gas in a large scale. The second chemical warfare incident was the Germans who fired shells at the French that contained a chemical irritant that resulted in a sneezing fit in October 1914. Before World War I, when chemicals were first being introduced, many countries, including France and Germany, signed the Hague Convention in 1899. By signing this convention, nations banned the use of projectiles whose sole purpose was to asphyxiate or eliminate soldiers. The Hague II reinforced these rules and added more specifics like banning the use of poison gas and to not use projectiles, weapons, and materials that would cause unnecessary suffering. The French were the first to break the convention, but the public did not hear very much of it. The Germans were actually the ones to get burned by the press and newspapers for their perpetration of the convention. German officials immediately responded, saying that the French broke the convention first, and that they did not use a projectile to disperse the gas, so technically, their attack didn’t count. The first instance of poisonous chemical gas was chlorine gas on April 22, 1915 at the start of the second battle of Ypres. This happened by a man against the Germans who ran for almost ten miles and into German territory for another five miles to shoot the chlorine gas into their territory. The effects of chlorine gas were severe and horrible. Within seconds of inhaling its vapor it destroyed the victim’s respiratory organs, bringing on choking attacks and asphyxiation, which eventually led to death. After the Germans used their first chemical attack, the world publicized their opinion, saying that Germany broke the Hague Convention first. That is how they have been blamed for breaking the treaty. One the first German attacks, allied troops held cotton pads soaked in their own urine to give some sort of protection against the chlorine gas. It was found that the ammonia in the pad neutralized the chlorine. These pads were held to the soldiers’ faces until they were able to escape the area infected with the poisonous fumes. Because this idea disgusted many soldiers, they preferred to use handkerchiefs, a sock, or flannel material. These materials would be dampened with a solution of bicarbonate, and tied across the mouth and nose until the gas passed over. The soldiers found that it was very difficult to fight with fabric on one’s face, so attempts were made to develop better means of protecting their men against these fatal gas attacks. By July 1915, soldiers were given efficient gas masks and anti-asphyxiation respirators as a standard issue. Lachrymator or tearing agent was much like today’s tear gas or mace in World War I. This gas may cause temporary blindness and inflammation of the nose and throat of the victim. A gas mask would easily offer good protection against this gas. This chemical and any chemical with bromide were quite popular during World War I since it was easily brewed. Asphyxiates are the poisonous gases which include chlorine, phosgene, and diphosgene. Chlorine inflicts damage by forming hydrochloric acid when it comes in contact with moisture such as what is found in the lungs and eyes. It is lethal at a ratio of 1:5000 (gas/air), whereas phosgene is deadly at 1:10,000 (gas/air) – twice as toxic! Diphosgene, first used by the Germans at Verdun on 22 June, 1916, was deadlier still and could not be effectively filtered by standard issue gas masks. Blistering Agents, like mustard gas, were seen as the most dreadful of all chemical weapons in World War I. Unlike the other gases which attacked the respiratory system, this gas acts on any exposed, moist skin, which makes it extremely dangerous. This includes, but is not limited to, the eyes, lungs, armpits and groin. Obviously, a gas mask that covered one’s face could offer very little to no protection whatsoever. The oily reacting agent would produce large burn-like blisters wherever it came in contact with skin. It also had a way of hanging around in low areas for hours, even days, after being dispersed, which could make an area completely unusable to the soldiers on either side. A soldier jumping into a shell crater to seek cover could find himself blinded instantaneously, with skin his blistering and his lungs bleeding before he even had time to react. Mustard gas was used in chemical warfare and was made in large amounts during World War I and II. It was also used in the Iran-Iraq was in 1984-88. It is presently use in the U. S. for research purposes. The U. S. secretary of Defense was instructed to destroy all remaining stocks of lethal military chemical agents, including mustard gas, by 1997. Mustard gas has been a favorite chemical weapon in wars because it can be fairly delivered via conventional bombs, rockets, and artillery shells and because mustard gas contamination can render an area unusable by enemy forces. Mustard agents, as known as blistering agents, produce wounds that look like burns or blisters when they come into contact with the skin. These agents may also cause severe damage to the other organs on the body such as the eyes, the respiratory system and other internal organs. This gas received its name from an early production method that yielded a mustard-smelling agent in 1822, where it was invented. Symptoms don’t actually occur until 2 -24 hours later from the first contact point, resulting in severe cell damage before the patient may even know they have been exposed. Mild symptoms consist of: eye pain, lacrimation, irritation of the mucous membranes, inflammation of the skin, hoarseness, and coughing and sneezing. Severe symptoms consist of: blistering, blindness, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory complications. The leading cause of dead is lung injury. Lung injuries start off mild and gradually increase until they result in chemical pneumonia and pulmonary edema, and the bone marrow and lymphatic tissue look similar to radiation exposure and also a drastic reduction in the number of the body’s white blood cells within 5-10 days after exposure. Decontamination is the most important treatment that can be done for a mustard exposed patient. Removal of clothing, bathing, flushing of the eyes, and washing of the hair are key initial management steps. Some people go as far as to say you should shave hair completely of as if exposed to lice. Treatment beyond this is primarily includes antibiotics and pain medication. Phosgene is an odorless gas that is now used to make plastics and pesticides, but at room temperature can be fatal. Often the effects of phosgene gas tend to not show up for almost 2 days and by that time it would be too late for treatment. To ship this agent, it must be cooled, pressured, and put into a liquid form, before it can ever be safely distributed. Unfortunately, if released from said pressure, it quickly turns back into a gas that stays frighteningly close to the ground like fog because in gas form, it is heavier than air and spreads quickly. Depending on the type, phosgene gas may appear as a pale yellow, white, or even colorless cloud. With low concentrations, it has an aroma of fresh cut grass or green corn or has no sent at all, but at high concentrations, its odor may be very unpleasant and pungent. This was used mostly as a choking agent that was responsible for a large majority of the chemical deaths in World War I. Phosgene is used today to form a base for other chemicals such as pesticides. The risk of exposure all depends on how close in proximity one is to an area with phosgene. If in its gas form, people may be exposed through skin and eye contact and/or through inhaling air that is polluted with phosgene. If in its liquid form, people may be exposed by touching, drinking, or eating things that are contaminated with this intense poison. Phosgene poisoning can cause damage through irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Immediately after exposure to dangerous concentrations of phosgene, the following symptoms may develop: coughing, burning sensation to throat and eyes, watery eyes, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, lesions to skin similar to frostbite or burns, coughing pink tinted mucus, low blood pressure, and heart failure. One way to protect ones self from exposure is to run to higher ground. If one believes they are exposed, remove all clothing and wash entire body with soap and water. After one is away from infected area, seek medical attention immediately. As a result of all the different types of chemicals being produced and used against the enemy, countries like Britain began testing and creating defenses for chemical gases like the gas mask. One of the first gas masks looked like a crude sack with a rectangular cutout for the eyes, which was covered with an eye-piece. Its only real protection was that it was dipped in anti-gas chemicals such as: sodium hyposulphite, glycerin, and water. This proved to be quite weak and the eye piece was easily broken, which made the whole mask moot. Later, the British box respirator was first introduced in April 1916, and by January of the next year, it become standard issue for all soldiers, especially ones in the trenches. The gas mask has made many reforms to get to the standard of what it is today, but in the early 20th century, the gas mask was at the peak of the new technology, especially because it was saving soldiers. In conclusion, many of the chemical gas used in World War I was invented as a terror weapon to cause panic and confusion towards the enemy. It was also a psychological weapon, with the use of non-lethal tearing agents sent first to have the enemy remove their gas masks thereby making them more vulnerable to a later attack with one of the more deadly types. This fact and many of the other facts written above are some reasons why many believe that the first World War was one of the most vile and brutal wars.

Benefits of Internet Monitoring

The rationality of the benefits of internet monitoring in the work place remains argumentative. A strong foundation of whether or not this aspect has any influence to the performance of an organization would be credited to the results to an affiliated strong research activity. However, due to the role played by the internet monitoring within an organization, it remains a critical event which perhaps unfolds the subject matter of the benefits accruing to internet monitoring.Broadly, the internet system acts as a bridge with which the flow of the organizational information to the outside environment is realized. Through the internet, stakeholder such as competitors, shareholders, financiers above others are able to get the most appropriate information about the firm. Various information composite of an organization within the internet are useful at varying depths to various persons. Elsewhere, the composite information about other organizations including competitors is useful different ly by a particular organization.However, such inflow of information about competitors at the work place is seldom important for adequate monitoring otherwise would be a leeway if not a cross-bridge to losses through competitive opportunity costs. (Schell, Nellie, 78) The subject matter of validity importance of internet monitoring however remains debatable. At one point, some culprits argue that it pays no benefits to the same due to the public nature of the information floated within the internet. This is in the argument that all the information within the frontiers of the internet system should be public free unless copyright protected.On the other hand, challenges of this argument provides that the information floated through the internet by an organization or its competitors should be adequately monitored due to the related consequences which may serve from such information by the organization itself. (from its competitors) or to the stakeholders of such an organization. However , the rationality about the information flow through the internet has various implications to the organisation. At one point, it may determine the relative success to such an organization when the competitive package of this information to the external environment favors it.However, it may be a root cause into the failure of such organization when inadequacy of this information turns to be opportunity costs to the activities of such specific organization. Through the monitoring of the information flowing into the internet, a rational analyst or elsewhere a researcher would argue compulsively about the various business activities credited to internet information such as bluffing, industrial espionage and the corporate intelligence above others. Internet monitoring at the work place by the manager to his/her employees is rapidly important.Due to the interaction nature into the organizational portfolio and the employees, any uncontrolled usage of the organisations information may bore out various consequences of organisational incapability. At one point employees who may be well known to the operational phenomenon of company may use such information to build out various response consequences between the company and the outside stakeholders. Though some people argue on an affiliated importance between the workers and the internet information flow, others argue that any internet information should be solely let free for whatever level to the workers.(Mcvoy, 1) However, on grounds of rationality, internet monitoring to the workers by the management should be strongly built on solid foundations. This is in the bid to control various autonomous external loss of information to predators such as competitors through the workers. In the short hand therefore, any information left out for free use by the workers should be adequately public as possible. Otherwise insights of confidential information about the company’s information should be let out at a monitored leng th to the workers.Either, workers should not hesitate to sign compliance into the rules of industrial espionage above that of the corporate intelligence. Broadly, the surveillance of information to the workers has drawn an elaborated understanding to many rational business analysts. Currently, this subject matter is seen of an influential capacity to the success of the company. Pursuit to appropriate success in the internet monitoring at the work place is also given refuge by the use of electronic software which continues to improve efficiency in the monitoring process.However, monitoring is subjective for providing protection to both the interests of the managers, the workers ad those of the customers. In every aspect of monitoring, the rights of workers privacy should be left to withhold. To comply with the legal rules, any monitoring activity should be driven in by a consultation protocol between various unions of workers in which an agreement should be implied on the use of the monitoring aspects. In every aspect, this monitoring should provide fairness to the staff above complying with the rules of the law.Otherwise, unjustified as well as excessive campaign on monitoring could breach the laws binding data protection. (Cooney, Lisa, 1) Internet monitoring is important to the workers, the managers and stakeholders of the organisation. Firstly, it helps to ensure that the workers are safe in terms of the health and the working conditions. This may be an intrusion into the working conditions of the workers which may help the employers learn more about the private incidents of the workers conditions. However, in the act of internet monitoring, private information should be pursuit to grounds of fairness and been lawful to them.Elsewhere, internet monitoring such as emails and websites belonging to the workers is important in safeguarding the interests of the stakeholders to the company. Through various internet information monitoring, shareholders interest ma y be affected differently. The sovereignty of the customers may be compromised via the information exchange through the internet between the workers and third parties to the company such as competitors. Through internet, workers may exclusively exchange volatile information to the external person which may radically affect the success of the company.As a rule at the market place, the success of the company is determined by the standards of the game theory. Tactics of survival and the winning formula to such market place game is determined by the operational strategies and methodologies of the operational procedures. However, historical epochs have highlighted workers as been subordinate implements though which private information is exchanged and pirated to the external predators. Such internet monitoring by the managers will therefore involved an analysis of the emails and websites allied to the workers above that of the information made free to the workers by the management.(Mishr a, Suzanne, 1) At a close outlook therefore, internet monitoring plays an exorbitant role in defining the success of the company. It will help to monitor the interest of the parties into the company. Either, it helps to provide standards with which a company can be able to realize its operational efficiencies and economies of scale into the business activities when it does not loose its operational benefits to the competitors through the workers. At the market place full of competition, the nature of information flow between various parties should be highly monitored.Company information should be held as copyright protected material whose flow between particular persons within the organization should be evaluated. Unless such information is made public, any external exchange between the workers and some stakeholders of the company may breach the rights of the copyright protected work. A clear definition of public and private information of the company should be put into place to ens ure a coordinated approach between the information flow from the workers and the external environment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human resources and strategic planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resources and strategic planning - Essay Example Human resource management constitutes an area of management that has embraced strategy management as dynamics continue to characterize business function and people in the organization. Today, convectional human resource practices can no longer be the basis to respond to the needs of market demands in the modern world and this has forced many organizations to remain adept in identifying the best management practices. As organizations look for the best practices of management, it is always advisable that, organizations should identify and adopt human resources practices that fit with the organization’s competitive business strategies (Savage 2010). This will ensure the practices are not outside the goals of the business in the market hence greater success is likely to be achieved. Many organizations adopt two basic human resource strategies. They include universalistic approach and contingency approach (Savage, 2010). Universalistic approach is concerned in identifying the best practices that can be used by diverse organizations (Savage, 2010). On the other hand, contingency approach is concerned with identifying practices that match and align human resource practices with competitive business strategies (Savage, 2010). Adopting any of these two strategies depend on varied factors that each unique organization has, therefore, it is always important for an organization to carry out thorough business and environmental scanning to know the position of the business before deciding to adopt any of the strategies. Human Resource Practices Human resource has been identified to play key role to an organization especially where an organization is attempting to asserts in the market and achieve competitive edge. Strategic human resource management has emerged as an area of human resource management that looks at Functionability of business from an innovative perspective. According to this new field, organizations are not insulated from looking for the best and appro priate strategies that can help them achieve established goals and objectives in the business environment. At the same time, strategic decisions are seen to give an organization an upper hand in determining the level of participation in the dynamic business environment (Allani, Arcand, and Bayad, 2003). Therefore, by innovating best practices to apply in the business or organization, the management may just be motivated by desire to have the best policies and practices in place that accelerate and enhance the performance of the organization as compared to its competitors. Two empirical approaches have emerged to explain the strategic decision-making in an organization as far as human resource management is concerned. The approaches consent that an organization cannot be effective and properly functional if it does not identify the best practices of managing people (Allani, Arcand, and Bayad, 2003). In addition, for human resource management to be effective, they should be seen to in crease performance for the organization. Universalistic approach is the first approach perfect human resource management practices can be identified. This approach postulates that, there are human resource practices that are better than others are, and all organizations have the responsibility of adopting the identified best practices. Accordingly, the approach establishes that there is a universal relationship between an individual identified practice and the performance of the organization that adopt the practice (Armstrong, 2012). Contingency approach, which is another approach widely used, hold slight contradiction position when compared with universalistic approach. The contingency approach posits that organization cannot divorce from the particulate aspects in the organization if it has to achieve the best strategy of management (Armstrong, 2012).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Restaurant Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Restaurant Proposal - Essay Example know how much time customers are currently spending in lines and how much time they will spend in lines in a new layout by using the new process that CEI shall develop. These changes are expected to help the restaurant increase profits by reducing costs, retaining customers, and attracting new customers. CEI team will visit the restaurant and examine the current layout of the premises, collecting data on site. The team will analyse the data and develop conclusions and recommendations that will help improve the facility’s layout and reduce the time customers take to wait on line and the confusion thereof. This proposal presents the plan on how this project will be done. Village Grill is a cafeteria style restaurant which started its operations in 1996 in the busy university town of Waterside, Michigan. The Grill offers comfort foods that are seasonal and are made with locally grown ingredients. The profits of the Grill have increased since 1996 but revenues began to decline in 2012. The owner, Mr. Wright attributes the decline to the construction of a bridge, which is reducing access to the restaurant. Originally, the customer service and eating area in the restaurant originally consisted of two food lines, which offered the same food choices, and two centrally located cash registers. As the number of customers increased, the Grill added another food line and rearranged the types of foods offered in each line. In the current layout of the restaurant, customers enter the restaurant and walk in a circle along the outside edge of the room to choose their food. Sometimes customers cross through the middle of the seating area and join another part of the line. After the customers select their food, they walk to one of the two registers to pay. The lines at the registers often intermingle with the lines at the food bars and sometimes the cash register lines extend into the seating area. This creates confusion. In addition, the Grill recently began offering take-out

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Resume and cover letter assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Resume and cover letter - Assignment Example As such, I am particularly interested in the practical application of science. This is because, through science and engineering, I can be able to develop a logical approach to determinations of various mechanical problems. Moreover, engineering provides me with the opportunity to apply various theories and techniques that can be used to tackle and provide solutions to mechanical problems. Moreover, the fact that I am always excessively fascinated with the functioning of machines has also made develop the interest of practicing mechanical engineering. In fact, during my younger years, I usually dismantled my toys with the aim of learning how the machines functioned and integrated. Quite surprisingly, I found out that changing various aspects of the machines such as motor transmission would alter or lead to a modification of how the toy operated. As I grew up, this interest developed even further and I thus started of working on relatively bigger machines such as my mountain bike and my father’s old broken motorcycle. I was intrigued by complexity of the integration and functioning of the several parts of the machinery. This made me develop an understanding of how machines works in terms of converting electrical, kinetic, or man power into movement. My choice to major in Mechanical Engineering was therefore facilitated by my liking of Maths and Physics as well a s an intense curiosity of knowing how the machines integrated and functioned. Career planning is an important factor that can enable an individual to attain success more so after the completion of the undergraduate degree. Essentially, CP 101 played a big role towards influencing me on opting to choose mechanical engineering as my career of choice. At school, due to my high performance and interest in maths and physics, many professors, including my calculus professor, recommended that I should consider becoming a maths tutor. I took this suggestion

Friday, July 26, 2019

International accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International accounting - Essay Example Thus the exchange rates were under pressure heading to period leading to intense depreciation at the time of a steep fall in the global risk sentiments forcing RBI to interrupt so as to stabilize the unit of domestic currency. As for the foreign currency the Bank has entered into the contract of foreign currency derivative with its customers to lay them off on matched basis in the inter-bank market. The foreign currency hedging is made on the spreads on the customer transactions. The risk management body of the company undertakes hedging and the methods are thus used for assessing the effectiveness of hedging. The hedging taking place may be against a single liability or asset or a portfolio of the same (HDFC Bank Ltd., 2012, pp.110-124). Extent and Nature of Foreign Currency Exposure The Bank has entered into derivatives and foreign exchange deals after setting up counterparty credit limits on the basis of the counterparty’s ability to meet obligations in the event of foreign currency exposure. For such like endeavors the bank does not bear any market risks but only carries the credit risk associated with the counterparty. The Bank generally maintains a provision for the standard assets inclusive of the credit exposures on the basis of current market to market value of interest rate and gold and foreign exchange derivatives contract at stipulated level by the RBI from time to time. For the overseas branches of HDFC the provisions are maintained at a much higher level by the respective regulator of RBI. The effect of translation exposure of the company has resulted in translation reserve of the company amounting to Rs. 251,651,000 on 31st March, 2012. However, the treasury segment usually consists of the net interest earnings from the bank’s investment portfolio, money market lending and borrowing, losses or gains on the investment operation and on account of trading in derivatives contract and foreign exchange. The non-monetary as well as the mon etary foreign liabilities and assets of non integral foreign operations. These are then translated based on the rates of closing exchange notified by FEDAI related to the Balance Sheet date thereby resulting in profit or loss of the company that arises out of exchange differences which gets compiled in the Foreign Currency Translation Account till the disposal of the net investment in the non integral foreign operations (Raynor, 1999, p.156). Major risks of the business Since the intensification of the global financial crisis of 2008, risk related to the domestic growth of the company was a hindrance faced from the external environment of the company. The Bank also faces risk related to the Technology Risk Management of the company generally resulting in the cyber fraud. The other critical risks faced by the bank are the operational risk, credit risk and the market risk. Credit risk aroused from the non-payment of the loaned amount of the company whereas the market risk associated w ith the interest rate risk and the liquidity risk of the company. Th

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Development of the Modern Railroad in America Essay

Development of the Modern Railroad in America - Essay Example In 1740 the machine with the cylinder in length of 2,74 m and diameter of 76 cm during one day performed the work which brigades of 25 person and 10 horses, working in shifts, were carrying out for a week. Nevertheless, machine of Newcomen was far from perfection. It transformed to mechanical energy only about 1% of thermal energy and as a consequence, devoured huge amount of fuel, that, however, had no special value when the machine worked on collieries. About the invention of Newcomen it is possible to say, that it was really steam machine, more truly, the pair atmosphere machine. Therefore the inventor of the steam machine is the Englishman Thomas Newcomen who has developed the pair atmosphere machine in 1712. During same time in England James Uatt also worked on the creation of the steam machine. Debugging the model of the pair atmosphere Newcomen's machines, Uatt was convinced of low efficiency of similar machines. It was clear, that the basic lack of machine of Newcomen was the heating and cooling of the cylinder. Uatt removed this lack. Subsequently the universal steam engine of double action with continuous rotation (Uatt's steam machine) received a wide circulation and played a significant role in transition to a mechanical production. Since 1800 to 1821 Northern war was held. ... Since 1800 to 1821 Northern war was held. So the further development of railway transportation was stopped for some time. But steam machines which were created at the end of 18 centuries had the big popularity. Modern safe position of railways of Northern America is caused by unprecedented growth of freight traffic. This situation promotes also to rise in branch of manufacture of a rolling stock as the railway companies increase transportation capacities. Since then the financial position of the large companies has become stronger, demand for their services exceeds the offer. These changes bring favorable prospects to the railway companies. For many railway companies of Northern America the last years were successful from the point of view of growth of transportations and, hence, incomes. The stage-by-stage decision of these problems and a general economic situation allowed the bases for positive forecasts of Northern America railways development. (Orme 2000) Prospects of cargo railways of Northern America are determined by two tendencies: proceeding economic rise in the countries of continent and globalization of economy. High rates of economic growth in the USA as a whole - 44,2 % since 1980 - have caused a significant gain of demand for services of a truck transport. And the parameter for railways in the the USA, 52 %, is better than the general parameter that has allowed to increase its share in the market from 35 up to 39 %. (Orme 2000) Railways have already confirmed the ability to correspond to significant economic growth. Within the next two decades 50 % growth of the transport market is expected. This gain can be mastered both by the rail, and motor transport. Railway has preconditions for development of throughput and ability to take with smaller

Genocide in Sudan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genocide in Sudan - Essay Example This essay describes the events, that began when the African tribes of the Dafur region of Sudan rebelled against the Arab government in Khartoum. The government, led by the National Islamic Front, suffered initial reverses at the hands of the rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement. Tied down by the ongoing civil war in the South, Khartoum devised a vicious counterstrategy. A tribal Arab militia, was unleashed in Dafur with carte blanche to crush the rebels. Thus began one of the most diabolical campaigns in the history of mankind, aimed at wiping out the African tribes of Dafur. With a mortality rate of 450,000, this is an unequivocal instance of genocide which requires immediate action from the international community. Fact-finding missions, humanitarian agencies, and the media have all documented the atrocities. This essay discusses term genocide and analyzes hard facts. From media accounts to the heartrending testimonials of survivors, attes t that what is happening in Sudan is â€Å"a government backed campaign to wipe out a race†.The genocide in Sudan is there for all the world to see. Over three years of indifference, prevarication and self-interest has kept the world deliberately blind. In conclusion, the researcher states that the international community should not be held to ransom by considerations of political alignments or the dictates of the marketplace. After all, those 32,000 barrels of oil per day, which is Sudan’s output, do not have to be paid for with the blood of Dafurs’ Africans.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Kenneth Clark, Katharine Hepburm, Harvey Milk, and Fred korematsu, and Essay

Kenneth Clark, Katharine Hepburm, Harvey Milk, and Fred korematsu, and all tried to create social change in areas of sexual or racial discrimination - Essay Example Although, Tracy Seth (John Holiday) and Margaret (Mary Nash) are divorced; Tracy feels that their family reputation must be protected (Cukor et al, 278). The novel Milk written by Milk Harvey (Sean Penn) covers the difficulties that Milk; a gay activist has to contend. Harvey tries harder to get people to understand and appreciate the sexual preferences of gays in the community (Jinks et al, 212). Kidd presents Dexter with an opportunity to get closer to Tracy. Dexter revealed that Kidd had an innuendo Laden cover up from her Tracy’s father Seth (John Holiday). Tracy’s family Margaret and Dinah (Virginia Weilder), Tracy’s sister, warmly; which disappoints Tracy. During her interaction with Mike, Tracy discovers the admirable qualities that he possesses (Nourmand & Graham, 256). Tracy finds herself wind up in confusion, between her ex-husband the Fiance and Mike, the reporter. To ease her mind, Tracy drinks for the second time in her entire life. She then resorts to a friendly swim with Mike. George gets to see the two, and he appears filled with Jealousy. Tracy uses the opportunity George presents, when confronting her of what he did the previous night, as an opportunity to break up with him on her wedding day. Mike proposes to marry Tracy, who declines in a nice way. When Dexter, her ex husband, asks for Tracy’s hand in marriage; she gladly gets a ccepts (Nourmand & Graham, 256). On the other hand, Harvey, later on, in his quest to fight for the gay rights, receives appointment as a Supervisor in the San Francisco’s board, in the year 1977. Milk takes pride in being the first gay man assimilated in the public office, in America. This way he not only succeeds in materializing the gay rights, but also used the opportunity to fake relations with the political society; from political officials to the union

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cocaine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cocaine - Essay Example To understand those who use it, one must understand that cocaine is a stimulant drug that is primarily metabolized by the liver. So much of the drug is metabolized by the body, that less than 1% of the drug is secreted through urine. As stated by Maureen Coombs, â€Å"Cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant and induces a euphoric sense of happiness and increased energy. It can be chewed, insufflated, smoked or injected and has both medicinal and recreational uses†. With this information in mind, one can understand why individuals who use this substance do so. The purpose is not to experience a high, as it is with individuals who smoke marijuana. Instead, cocaine users seek the euphoric feeling and high level of energy associated with its use. Reports that have come out in past decades have indicated that deaths from cocaine use are not caused by overdose. Such reports may have caused a reduction in concern over its very real dangers. The reality is that cocaine c ontinues to kill thousands of individuals every year, and most of those deaths result from long-term damage caused by extensive abuse. According to Karch, â€Å"It is important to understand that death from acute cocaine toxicity is a relatively rare event, essentially only seen in ‘body packers’ or ‘body stuffers’ who find themselves exposed to massive, multigram quantities of cocaine. Otherwise, the only cocaine users likely to become seriously ill or die are the chronic users†. That is to say, fatal overdoses from cocaine do not occur from users â€Å"over indulging† in the user’s illegal substance of choice. Rather, the overdoses result in something going awry when individuals attempt to use themselves or allow themselves to be used as a drug mule. Packages of immense amounts of cocaine in their body are supposed to be sealed, but occasionally the packages become broken down enough to allow the cocaine to absorb in to the body. One of the reasons why cocaine users do not overdose through regular use is that the amount of cocaine required to produce an overdose is not possible via that method. The user would have to make themselves sick to achieve an overdose. When the purpose of using the drug is to achieve euphoria, to make oneself sick would be counterproductive. In terms of usage, â€Å"Nasal inhalation is the most popular method of cocaine administration certainly because of its discretion† (Blaise, pg. 1262). There are also the options of injecting the drug, or smoking it. As Blaise wrote, snorting cocaine is typically the primary method chosen because of the ease with which one can hide it—at first. Extended cocaine use has the unpleasant side effect of causing nasal lesions, which are all but impossible to hide. When officials want to test for cocaine, often they will take hair, blood, or urine samples. A little known fact about hair is that it essentially acts like a tree core. Where on a tree, each ring represents a year of life, hair shows signs of illegal substance use up to 90 days later. Urine tests can be used to screen for cocaine use 2-5 days after use, with the exception for those with certain kidney disorders. Finally, blood tests can be used accurately within 2-5 days. Individuals who indulge their drug habit with cocaine will find that at first, all may seem well and good.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Yukio Mishimas novel The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea Essay Example for Free

Yukio Mishimas novel The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea Essay How does Fusako and Ryujis first encounter foreshadow the dynamics of their future relationship? In Yukio Mishimas novel The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea, first encounters between characters are fundamental in developing their relationship dynamic. When Fusako Kuroda and Noboru are led onto the ship Rakuyo, Ryuji-its second officer in command-is appointed as their guide. Mishima uses dominant diction and invigorating imagery to immediately introduce the romantic nature of their prevailing relationship, and to foreshadow the future sacrifices both characters will have to endure in the name of love. After both having been deprived of close social interaction for many years, Fusako and Ryuji are at first uncomfortable when dealing with each others presence. Initially, Ryujis eyes confronted her. The attention does not flatter Fusako- instead she feels as though Ryuji is challenging the independence she has worked so hard to develop ever since her husband died. Unable to compose her emotions, Fusako blames the uncomfortable(30) moment on Ryuji, for his eyes had no business piercing that way(29). Mishimas diction in the words ravaging, piercing, shudder, disconcerted, oppress and probed continues to highlight the invasive tension of their interaction. While Fusako struggles to explain her emotional reaction to Ryujis presence, it slowly becomes clear to the reader that the tension created is one of excitement, rather than distaste. The attention is overwhelming, but the opportunity for desire, and being desired, overweighs the unnaturalness of the initial confrontation. As she then opens up her parasol against the sun(30), she discovers something unexpected in the shadow of his heavy brow(30-31). It is as if the oppressive broad light of day(31) forces Fusako to maintain a socially accepted persona, and by protecting herself from its scrutiny, she finds comfort in the shades non-judgmental darkness. It is in this freedom that Fusako discerns a deeper emotional understanding in Ryujis similarly dark shadows of his brow-perhaps a glisten in his deep-set(29) eyes. Mishima builds on this emotional connection with the introduction of chemistry. When standing side-by-side, the heat of his body in the sultry chart room(31) becomes almost too much for Fusako to handle-she faints. Mishima uses the imagery of heat to add to the energy of their physical attraction. Although sudden, it is no longer a shock to the reader when Fusako proposes Ryuji join her for dinner the next evening. Although spoken coolly(35), these were the words of a woman stricken with heat(35) the heat of the now undeniable attraction. The emotional development of Fusakos character during her first encounter with Ryuji is reflected in the extensive imagery of the cargo being hoisted out of the ships hold. The hold in which the cargo was kept is a large, dark fissure in the steel plates of the deck(34). This cargo has a double entendre since it also symbolizes Fusakos emotional baggage. In the large, dark fissure, the emotionally suppressed Fusako has lived isolated from the world of love, happiness, and opportunity, and held captive by the steel plates of societys expectations. When lifted, the slats of sunlight slipped nimbly over the crates as they wheeled through the air(35). This recurring light imagery refers us back to the idea of light revealing the cargo, in the same way Fusako feels scrutinized by the strong sun; light sheds all the imperfections that shadows mask. But, faster even then the shattered light the cargo sped(35). This shows that Fusako, by letting go of the strict independence that has limited her life, is able to dominate over societys supposition. The light is shattered by the strength of Fusakos true emerging character. Ryuji is the one that has allowed her to take this terrifyingly deliberate prelude and the sudden, reckless flight(35). It is as if after years of independently brooding her husbands death that Fusako finally sees the chance to re-enter the world. Mishima uses the contrast of the organization insinuated in deliberate prelude and the carelessness associated with reckless flight, to mark the turning point in the development of Fusakos character. She feels load after heavy load of freight being lifted from her and whisked away(35), releasing her from the emotional stress burdening her freedom. Although liberating Fusako, the marvel was also an indignity(35). A disgrace in the sense that it had taken so long for Fusako to admit to her social demise. If she had not experienced the catharsis, she could have accumulated a cargo so large it could have held her down forever. Mishima portrays the scene as an emancipation-saving Fusako from an inevitably empty future. Thus, the encounter with Ryuji presents her with the opportunity to take a risk a risk of becoming dependent on something other than herself. Mishima uses sea imagery to insinuate an equally significant affect of the first encounter on Ryuji. Lacking fulfillment from his life at sea, Ryuji sees Fusako as his new ship on the horizon. The life of a sailor is one of solitude, for Ryuji it was one of an empty solitude at that. It is not surprising that his eyes, catching Fusako in their gaze, sought her out as though she were a tiny spot on the horizon(29). Deprived of social interaction, sailors constantly search the horizon in hope of sighting another ship another companion. For Ryuji, Fusako is a tiny spot emotionally distant and out of his reach. But, as if waiting for her to come nearer, his eyes are focusing so sharply without leagues of sea between them(29). The sea was always a protective barrier between Ryuji and offers of stability on land. Now, without the sea to shield him, Fusako represents everything that he has been denied. He is finally able to focus, and realize what he wants in life love, companionship, security. Not only does Ryuji reveal a strong interest in Fusako, but he expresses doubt concerning his current lifestyle at sea. He refers to it as a miserable business(31) and fails to emit professional pride(30). By allowing Fusako to take the role of Ryujis sighted vessel(29), Mishima is foreshadowing the replacement of Ryujis interest in Fusako for his dedication to his ship, and essentially the triumph of Fusakos presence on land for his lonely existence at sea. Mishima manages to uncover the complex nature of Fusako and Ryujis relationship within just the brief moments of their first encounter. He marks the beginning of a dominant romantic connection that fuels the novels plot as both characters continue to make sacrifices-Fusako in surrendering her independence and Ryuji in giving up his dream of achieving glory at sea. However, although portrayed as love throughout the novel, both characters are motivated by a requisite to fill a certain void of affection. The reader is made to wonder whether it was really true love that was discovered at their first encounter, or a mere mutual greed for intimacy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Attracts People To Do Social Work Social Work Essay

What Attracts People To Do Social Work Social Work Essay I have always been deeply committed to helping others, especially helping those who come from similar backgrounds such as mine. Several experiences have stimulated my attraction to the field of social work. The first step towards my passion to study social work was formed when I was about four. My parents were unfit to raise my siblings and me, which consequently led to foster care. At age four I had no idea that day would lead me on the path of becoming an effective agent for social work. While in foster care, I met some amazing social workers who went beyond the call of duty. My social workers were talented, committed, and hard working. As I became older, my interest in social work grew. I started asking my social workers how do I become a social worker. In so many words, they explained that I have to do well in school, and go to college. While in college, I can major in the field of social work or closely related field. My social workers were my first insight to what a social work er is and what a social worker does. The fact that my social workers were committed to my well-being and pushed me to my full potentials demonstrated their concern for me as well as their ethical commitment. Secondly, are the three premises on which social work is based on. Which are very straightforward. First is that the person or group is important. The person or group has a problem that may arise from many different factors, and lastly finding a solution to help solve those problems so that person or group can live a better life. Finally, is the range of opportunities for a social worker in the field of social work. Social workers can be found in hospital, schools, community health agencies, and international organizations just to name a few. I give my social workers credit for the knowledge they have shared with me as well as encouraging me to reach my personal goals to become a social worker. 2. What influences, persons, or work/life experiences guide your choice of social work as a profession? I have not always been the strong confident person I am today. My outside involvements were my social workers, and independent living coordinator. They play a huge role in my influence to study social work and to become a social worker. Sometimes I often wonder how different my life would be now without my social workers involvement. I adopted many things from my social workers, things such as how to be compassionate and caring towards others, how to set and reach my goals, as well as how to be a hard worker. Some people fail to realize the impact of encouraging words to others. I can remember when I was in the twelfth grade my social worker Tameko was picking my sister and me up from school to help us fill out some important paper work for college. On the way home, she explained to us that we are smart and beautiful girls who can be anything we put our minds to. Do not let our circumstances define who we are. That moment of encouragement has not only stuck with me but has changed the way I think about my life. I then realized that I determine my future and should not be ashamed of my parents mishaps. Studies show that the cycle of poverty repeats it self for at least three generations. I new at a young age I did not want to repeat the cycle of abuse, poverty, and addiction so I worked hard to accomplish my goals. In practice, I have had an opportunity to work with Independent Living Program. Which is a program that helps youth ages 14-21 with career training, educational opportunities, p ersonal finance, job-hunting skills, independence skills, and so much more. I also took a Counseling Practicum class, which gave me an opportunity to observe and experience working within the Augusta Pregnancy Center. Which is a non-profit agency that provides services to women who are facing challenging situations? In this course, I was able to learn the specific skills required to care for the women and their unborn child, ethical principles, and ethical standards. These experiences has only increased me love for the field of social work and given me valuable experiences working with women and children. 3. Discuss personal strengths you possess which will make you an effective helping person. I chose social work, but in retrospect, I think social work chose me too. I often wonder what kind of career I would be interested in if I was never in foster care. My own personal background would make me an effective helping person. Growing up in the foster care system I will be able to relate to the youth and families I will be serving. I know what it feels like to be sent to different foster families. I know how it feels being afraid to trust people and being afraid to talk about being in foster care. I believe that children who have been abused and neglected find it difficult to trust people. I believer children in foster care would feel a sense of understanding, being that I have came from similar backgrounds. My personal strengths that I posse are the willingness to help others unconditionally. My social workers were very committed to me, and I want to share that same commitment with others who are vulnerable. My experience has taught me how to be non-judgmental, how to demons trate empathy, and how my improbable journey can inspire others. In addition, my undergraduate study in Psychology-Counseling has provided me with a better understanding of why people think, feel, and act the way they do. I believe that understanding the behaviors of people is very important tool to posses in the fields of social work. I also understand the importance of volunteering to help improve my community and neighborhood. I am currently a foster care club member as well as an on line message board member for foster care. I also volunteer in the Jefferson County Public School system and Woodhaven Place social committee. Volunteering is one of my most rewarding experiences for me and it gives me an opportunity to help my community as well as gaining skills to better help others. With my experiences during my undergraduate studies and currently I know that social work as a profession is ideal for me. 4 Discuss your vulnerabilities as these influence your development as a professional social worker. Specifically discuss any history of substance abuse, problems in a work setting, criminal activity, and/or help-seeking for personal issues. We are all vulnerable at any given point in time because of life circumstances. For example, illness, humiliation, harassment, natural disasters, poverty and abuse; however, some of us are more vulnerable than others. In my case, I was susceptible to physical abuse and neglect which has made me a strong person. My life experiences has not crippled me, but has inspired my concentration in public welfare so I can serve others. My past vulnerabilities will help me because they provide me with a better empathy of what children and families are going through in disadvantage situations. I thank God for my fears. One of my biggest fears in life was to end up like my parents. My fear has led me to never have an interested in drinking or using drugs. I never had any problems in a work setting nor have I had any criminal activities. I never seek any professional help for any personal problems that I have had in the past, however, there was a group that I was involved in call ILP that stands fo r Independent Living Program. This organization is amazing. This is where I met my Independent Living Coordinator who has been such an influential role model. The Independent Living Program is where I got my voice. In this program, I learned how to be more confident as well as how to share my life story with other youth that were in similar situations as me. I think this program help me cope with the personal issues that I was experiencing at that time. 5. Describe your special work practice as you anticipate it five years from now. Five years from now I see myself helping abused and neglected children who are in need of a positive social worker. This is with out a doubt the right vocation for me. I am passionate about working with this selected group, because of my own personal experience as an abused and neglected child. I have a special place in my heart for children especial those who are suffering because of their parentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ inability to protect and provide for them. I often wished I had a magic wand to protect the kids who are being abused, but realist I do not. However, what I can do is take the necessary steps to become an accomplished social worker, which will enable me to help protect children from all forms of child abuse. In the years ahead, I also see myself volunteering to help educate foster parents on how to be equipped foster parents. To often there are foster kids placed with families who are not properly trained. In order for me to succeed in my endeavors towards protecting chil dren, I realize that a masterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s degree in the field of social work is essential. After attending your information sessions, I had the opportunity to better understand how Spalding University can help me reach my academic and personal goals. I became more aware of the importance of social work principles. I was able to learn more about your Masterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s in Social Work program. I was so impressed with Spaldingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s devotion and history to their Social Work program. I am very excited about learning the fundamentals which will help me sharpen my skills as I pursue my dream of becoming a professional social worker as well as sharing my knowledge. I look forward to using the knowledge and skills that I will develop at Spalding University to help abused and neglected children reach their greatest potentials. I promise to uphold and exceed all that is expected of a student at Spalding University, as well as a professional social worker.

Global Application Or Local Application Information Technology Essay

Global Application Or Local Application Information Technology Essay Management information system is make to handle the information create by the organization of a specific of business. There system key in the information and allow the business for work, handle and accumulate the information via the software application. Information and inquiry get from the information system and can support in the pointing, organization and decision making of administrators. MIS is a classification that offers data need to handle organizations efficiently. The first question is discussed about selecting the computer hardware and software for the organization. It means as the hardware and software of tools to manage the organization in the selecting of hardware and software. And what kind of management, organization and technology are issues faced when select the computer hardware and software. The issues that are face is management issues, staff issues, organization issues and so on. Furthermore in question two is discussing about if i were a manager in a company that operates in many countries, the criteria would i use to determine whether a new system should be developed as a global application .A global business plan determines how a business will develop and manage its operations around the world. Regularly its used by accessible companies as a plan for increasing rather than by new businesses Why is selecting computer hardware and software for the organization an important for management decision? What management, organization and technology issues should be considered when selecting computer hardware? Our choice of hardware and software will have a huge influence on the efficiency of our employees and our organizations bottom line. We need the right tools to get the job completed. Computers consist of two main elements, namely hardware and software. Hardware is basically the physical parts of the infrastructure used in running the program. They include parts like workstations and servers, tablet PC, laptops, monitors, scanners, printers, networking components like Routers and Bridges, etc. Software is the interface that we use to perform certain actions on our computer. We may ask few questions such as below to give us some idea on how to choose the hardware and software: Can this hardware and software do the job that we need it to do? How the hardware and software will suits in with other products that our organization uses? Are this hardware and software going to leave us in a proprietary niche or without support? What ups and downs can we forecast for our organization? Do we need to plan for different needs or working practices? Whats our budget? Can we pay for the hardware / software, the license, the training, and the upgrades? It is important to consider whether the hardware and software is from recognized and well established source. Software and hardware are often expensive and should come with good after-sales service and a good guarantee. For Example, wholesale computers come with bundled software packages that are not compatible with your network software, and by the time we purchase the required software we have over paid and have voided the 1 year manufacturers warranty. So we have to make sure to ask about these before choosing the products that we are going to use. Another important concern to take into account when choosing hardware and software is whether it will do the job that we require it to do and who will be using this hardware and software. Theres no point in buying hardware or software that does nothing. Each computer should complement the user and the software that is being used. For example, a business server is a different type of computer than a PC. It is used by every person, computer, printer, and any peripheral within your business. A PC does not have the components to withstand the workload of a server, and will ultimately fail resulting in company downtime that affects your bottom line. We also have to check the system requirements of hardware or software to ensure they work well. For example, some peripherals only work in Windows or Mac OS. Other might require certain software to fully function. It is essential to buy legal hardware and software and to register the products that we purchase. By registering our software, we are often able to receive additional upgrades, service and support at no additional fees. Add-ons, plug-ins, useful tools and information from the software company can benefit our organizations use of purchased software. For example, if we are using Windows then we will need to register our Windows software in order to be able to download important service packs and updates. Pirated software is hacked to take out the copy protection. This affects the performance of the software. This affects the performance of the software and can cause freezing/crashing on our PC and conflicts with other legitimate software programs. Pirated software results in our paid employees being unable to do their job, which affects their performance and our business bottom line. Security management is a vital aspect of risk control. We have to consider about the validation routines, access control and authorization. Usually basic hardware and software includes a security package including fire walls, anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-spyware for the network and computer systems themselves. The most prohibitive factor in selecting hardware or software is the cost. We have to make sure our organization can afford the hardware or software. If the product is very expensive, then we should consider alternatives that provide similar functionalities. Computer software contains of sets of instructions written in computer language to address particular tasks. In all sectors, software is used to address specific needs. For example, a Banking application handles banking operations and functions, while Human Resources software treats payroll, personnel and other employee issues. Furthermore in selecting computer hardware and software for the organization is have business strategy, organizational strategy and IS strategy. As known for the business strategy drives both organizational and information strategy and all decisions are driven by the firms business objectives. Business Strategy drives all other strategies. An organizational and Information Strategy are dependent upon the Business Strategy. IS strategy is affected by the other strategies as a firm uses and IS strategy always involves consequences. In addition for the organizational strategy includes the organizations design as well as the choices it makes in its work processes. How will the company organize in order to achieve its goals and implement its business strategy. Business Diamond is a simple framework for identifying crucial components of an organizations plan and Managerial Levers another framework for organizational design, states that successful execution of the firms organizational strategy is the best combination of organizational, control, and cultural variables. For next is IS strategy and it plan an organization uses in providing information services. IS allows business to implement its business strategy. IS also helps to determine the companys capabilities. Four key of IS infrastructure components are key to IS strategy. These key components are sufficient to allow the general manager to assess critical IS issues. What Who Where Hardware List of physical components of the system Individuals who use it Individuals who manage it Physical location Software List of programs, applications and utilities Individuals who use it Individuals who manage it What hardware it resides upon and where that hardware is located Networking Diagram of how hardware and software components are connected Individuals who us it/individuals who manage it/company service obtained from Where the nodes are located ,where the wires and other transport media are located Data Bits of information stored in the system Individuals who use it Individuals who manage it Where the information resides Information systems strategy matrix What management, organization and technology issues should be considered when selecting computer hardware Price the great equalizer, most important because it establishes the basic ground rule Performance what do you need the hardware to perform, this is where decisions are refined to meet specific needs within a specific budget. Reliability- IMHO most modern equipment is very reliable in hardware terms (software installations can be troublesome, but thats a different issue). Hardware and software costs a lot of money. IT is now critical to an organizations success so its important that the software meets the needs of the organization. Hardware needs to be sufficiently powerful to meet the demands that will be placed on it by the users. Management issues help our identify, communicate, monitor and resolve project issues. The project issue management process will help us to put in place the steps needed to quantify and report all issues within the project. Although it discuss about organization issues is about management, its not so much concerned with how to train and grade the staff as with how to build a usable system. However, it need to understand the auditors and checkout staff, or you wont be able to do even a halfway passable job. Many systems fail because their designers make unrealistic assumptions about the ability, motivation, and discipline of the people who will operate it. This isnt just a matter of one-off analysis. For example, an initially low rate of fraud can cause people to get complacent and careless, until suddenly things explode. Also, an externally induced change in the organization such as a merger or acquisition can undermine control. If you were a manager in a company that operates in many countries, what criteria would you use to determine whether a new system should be developed as a global application or local application? If I were a manager in a company that operates in many countries, the criteria would I use to determine a new system is global application. A global business plan determines how a business will develop and manage its operations around the world. Regularly its used by accessible companies as a plan for increasing rather than by new businesses. This business plan prepares a business to change its operations internally. Its also used externally for solved an investment capital that will be used for development. The criteria will I use to determine the new system is global application known as Feasibility studies purpose to goal and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success. In its simple term, the two criteria to consider feasibility is cost require and value to be attained. Such as a well-designed feasibility study have to provide a historical background of the business or project depiction of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax dependent. Furthermore feasibility studies preliminary technical development and project consummation. Four common criteria: Technology and system feasibility The review is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of Input, Processes, Output, Fields, Programs, and Procedures. It can be quantifier in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, in order to interpret whether the new system will perform sufficiently or not. Technological feasibility is carried away to specify whether the company has the capability, of term in software, hardware, personnel and proficiency, to handle the completion of the project when writing a feasibility report, the following should be taken to consideration: †¢ A brief description of the business †¢ The part of the business being looked towards †¢ The human and economic factors †¢ The possible solutions to the problem Economic feasibility An economic criticism is the most oftentimes used method for evaluate the effective of a new system. More general known as cost/benefit analysis, the instruction is to define the benefits and savings that are expect from a candidate system and compare them with costs. If advantages outweigh costs, then the conclusion is made to design and implement the system. An entrepreneur must precise weigh the cost versus benefits before taking an action. Cost-based study: It is significant to identified cost and benefit factors, which can be categorize in a Development costs, and Operating costs. It is a criticism of the costs to be occasion in the system and the utility can be derivable out of the system. Time-based study: This is a significant of the time require achieving a return on investments. In a day value of a project also will become a factor. Operational feasibility Operational feasibility is a proceeding of how well a suggest system solves the problems, and takes benefits of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development. Scedule feasibility The project will abort if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Exclusively this means commentary how long the system will take to development, and if it can be completed in a given time phase using some system like payback term. Schedule feasibility is a action of how reasonable the project timetable is. Other feasibility factors Resource feasibility Resource feasibility involving questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be built, whether it interferes with normal business operations, type and amount of resources required, dependencies, Cultural feasibility In this stage, the projects alternatives are evaluated for their impact on the local and general culture. For example, environmental factors need to be considered and these factors are to be well known. Further an enterprises own culture can clash with the results of the project. Financial feasibility In matter of a new project, financial viability can be judged on the following parameters: †¢ Total estimated cost of the project †¢ Financing of the project in terms of its capital structure, debt equity ratio and promoters share of total cost †¢ Existing investment by the promoter in any other business †¢ Projected cash flow and profitability Conclusion As a conclusion, first question on the assignment can be consider as easy to do and give us a lot of understanding because by finding about the selecting computer hardware and software for the organization an important for management decision and what are the issues will be when selecting computer hardware. The first question and second question provides many acknowledgements to the students because by doing the question, student is learning about the hardware and software of tools to manage the organization in the selecting of hardware and software. When choosing hardware and software is whether it will do the job that we require it to do and who will be using this hardware and software. Theres no point in buying hardware or software that does nothing By doing the assignment, students can realize management information system played an important role in technology world. For those that always support and help us in this assignment, we want to say thank you very much. Bibliography Website address: ( Reference of books Business Analysis (2nd Edition), Paul, Debra Yeates, Donald Cadle, James, Publisher: British Informatics Society Limited , Date Published: 2010 Integrated Project Management, Barkley, Bruce T, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing , Date Published: 04/2006

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

"It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways." (Buddha) Is man basically good or is man basically evil? In the popular novel, Lord of the Flies, William Goldings shows that man is basically evil, but that man can overcome those instincts if he tries. Simon, Ralph, and Piggy are prime examples of keeping their good character. In each of them there is a desire to do good. They show throughout the novel that it is possible, even when surrounded by evil, to put aside desires and keep good morals. Simon is the morally good boy. His selflessness and goodness comes from within. He is kind to the little boys, and helps the outcasts. For example, when none of the boys want to give Piggy meat from the first pig, Simon steps up and takes him meat. "Simon†¦wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy†¦"(p.74) While everyone else is cruel to the young ones, he helps the "lil'uns" grab meat from the trees when they can't reach. "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest†¦passed them back to the endless, outstretched hands." (p.56) Simon helps those whom no one else is kind to, perhaps remembering that he was looked down upon once. He realizes what it's like to be scorned and to be the "little one", so he tries to make it less miserable for the outcasts by being kind to them. He wants to always help others, so when he discovers the beast is inside of everyone, not external, as they had imagined, he instantly runs down the mountain to tell him. He helps others even to the point of death. Simon is not the only one to demonstrate selflessness in the book. Ralph is the shows his kindness and goodness at the very beginning of the book. As leader, he desires for all of the boys to be safely rescued and for them to be taken care of. "If this isn't an island we might get rescued straight away†¦everyone must stay around here and wait and not go away." (p. 22) He starts out with the best intentions in mind, and wants to have the best for everyone. As the novel continues, and evil intensifies, Ralph won't participate in the wickedness of others. He keeps away from evil by having quiet times by himself and keeping his goal, to be rescued, in front of himself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone Essay -- Ending

â€Å"’The Supreme Court decision [on Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas] is the greatest victory for the Negro people since the Emancipation Proclamation,’ Harlem’s Amsterdam News exclaimed. ‘It will alleviate troubles in many other fields.’ The Chicago Defender added, ‘this means the beginning of the end of the dual society in American life and the system†¦of segregation which supports it.’†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oliver Brown, father of Linda Brown decided that his third grade daughter should not have to walk one mile through a railroad switchyard just to get to the bus stop before she could even get to the separate Negro school for her area. He attempted to enroll her in the white public school only three blocks from their home, but her enrollment was denied due to her race. The browns believed this was a violation of their rights, and took their case to the courts. This wasn’t the first time that blacks found their constitutional rights violated. After the civil war, laws were passed to continue the separation of blacks and whites throughout the southern states, starting with the Jim Crow laws which officially segregated the whites from the black. It wasn’t until 1896 in Plessy vs. Ferguson that black people even began to see equality as an option. Nothing changed in the world until 1954 when the historical ruling of Brown vs. The Board of Education that an ything changed. Until then, all stores, restaurants, schools and public places were deemed ‘separate but equal’ through the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling in 1896. Many cases just like the Brown vs. Board of Education were taken to the Supreme Court together in a class action suite. The world changed when nine justices made the decision to deem segregation in public schools unconstitutional.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Civil War, white southerners had to figure out ways to continue feeling superior to their former slaves. Anxious to regain power over former slaves, southerners created the Black Codes of 1865. These codes were different from state to state, but most held similar restrictions. If blacks were unemployed, they could be arrested and charged with vagrancy. White Southerners believed blacks were to only work as agricultural laborers so the laws also restricted their hours of labor, duties, and behavior. Additionally, the codes prevented the raising of their own crops by black people. They were prohibited from ent... ...south. Because of the decision of nine justices of the Supreme Court, the term ‘separate but equal’ was eliminated when it came to schools, and opened the door for integration of restaurants and all public places. Bibliography African-American History News Letter. â€Å"The Black Codes of 1865†. Web. 25 May 2015. Beggs, Gordon. The American University Law Review. "Novel Expert evidence in federal civil rights litigation.† 1995. Brown V. Board of Education. â€Å"About the Case.† Web. 25 May 2015. Patterson, James T. Brown v. Board of Education a civil Rights Milestone and it’s Troubled Legacy. Oxford University Press. New York 2001. Perry, Imani. "Five myths about Brown v. Board of Education" The Washington Post. May 16, 2014. Web. 25 May 2015. Robinson, Susan. â€Å"A Day in Black History: Plessy Vs. Ferguson†. Gibbs Magazine. October 2008. Web. 25 May 2015. Sitkoff, Harvard. The Struggle for Black Equality. 2008

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Science and Myth behind Phrenology Essay -- Biology Essays

The Science and Myth behind Phrenology Phrenology is a phenomenon that attempts to relate one’s personality and mental capabilities with the form and structure of one’s skull. This â€Å"science† became popular in the nineteenth century as the Eugenics movement gained widespread approval. In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the reference to Phrenology is apparent in the scene where Marlow visits the doctor. â€Å"Then with a certain eagerness [the doctor] asked me whether I would let him measure my head. Rather surprised†¦he produced a thing like calipers. ‘I [the doctor] always ask leave, in the interests of science, to measure the crania of those going out there [the African jungle].’†¦He gave me a searching glance, and made another note. ‘Ever any madness in your family?’ he asked, in a matter-of-fact tome. I felt very annoyed. ‘Is that question in the interests of science, too?’† (Conrad 13). As it can be inferred, Marlow patronizes the doctor by implying that Phrenology is not a scientific practice because it cannot be used to determine the psychologcal â€Å"fitness† of an individual. Regardless, the spectacle of this practice in the late 1900s most likely gave Conrad the impetus to construct this parodied scene, which depicts Phrenology as a baseless science; however, the practice is not wholly baseless. The founder of Phrenology, Austrian physician Franz Joseph Gall, determined the existence of a relationship â€Å"between the morphology of the skull and the human character† (Peter 1). Franz asserted that the brain is responsible for a human’s mental capacities. He attempted to prove this assessment by making statements—found in his chief work, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in General, and ... ...d the movement to justify their White supremacist, Aryan revolution. â€Å"Fascist ideologies like Nazism have misused some elements of craniometry in the framework of their infamous racist doctrines† (Peter 3). As a result of this misuse of Phrenology, it lost much of the scientific respect it hand gained in Western Civilization to the emerging field of psycho-analysis, whose father, Sigmund Freud, believed that the objectivity of Phrenology was limited because of its lack of introspection. Regardless of Phrenology’s disgraced past, it can still be regarded as a well-founded science that has an objective groundwork for assessing the importance of â€Å"self-knowledge, self-achievement, education, and human relationships† (Peter 4) in human development. Works Cited Peter, Van den Bosche. Phrenology. 05 October 2002.

Working Capital Managment

Management Of Working Capital Introduction Working Capital-Definition Working Capital is the cash needed to pay for the day to day operation of the business. Along with long term investments , business also needs funds for short-term purposes to finance current operations. Investment in short term assets like cash, inventories, debtors etc. , is called ‘Short-term Funds’ or ‘Working Capital’. Hence, the management of Working Capital is very important for the smooth running of business. Calcution of Working CapitalWorking Capital of a company is the difference between the Current Assets and the Current Liabilities of the company. Working capital=Current Assets-Current Liabilities Current Assets: Assets of the business held in the form of cash(e. g cash at the bank) or that can be quickly turned into cash. Current Assests Stocks Cash Debtors Investments Current Liabilities: Money owed by a business organization which is to be paid within next 12 months Current Liabilities Trade Creditors DividendsTaxation Short term loans Circulating capital – working capital is also known as circulating capital or current capital. ’ â€Å"The use of the term circulating capital instead of working capital indicates that its flow is circular in nature. † Structure of Working Capital The different elements or components of current assets and current liabilities constitute the structure of working capital which can be illustrated in the shape of a chart as follows: Working Capital Cycle makes it clear that the amount of cash is obtained mainly from issue of shares, borrowing and operations.Cash funds are used to purchase fixed assets, raw materials and used to pay to creditors. The raw materials are processed; wages and overhead expenses are paid which in result produce finished goods for sale. Working Capital circulation is like the blood circulation in the human body as once it stops the whole business becomes lifeless. Classification of Working Capital Working Capital can be classified in various ways. Conceptual classification – There are two concept of working capital viz. , quantitative and qualitative.The quantitative concept takes into account as the current assets while the qualitative concept takes into account the excess of current assets over current liabilities. Deficit of working capital exists where the amount of current liabilities exceeds the amount of current assets. The above can be summarized as follows: (i) Gross Working Capital = Total Current Assets (ii) Net Working Capital = Excess of Current Assets over Current Liabilities (iii) Working Capital Deficit = Excess of Current Liabilities over Current Assets. Classification on the basis of financial reports – The nformation of working capital can be collected from Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss Account; as such the working capital may be classified as follows: (i) Cash Working Capital– This is calculated from the informat ion contained in profit and loss account. This concept of working capital has assumed a great significance in recent years as it shows the adequacy of cash flow in business. It is based on ‘Operating Cycle Concept’s (ii) Balance Sheet Working Capital– The data for Balance Sheet Working Capital is collected from the balance sheet. On this basis the Working Capital can also be divided in three more types, viz. gross Working Capital, net Working Capital and Working Capital deficit. Classification on the Basis of Variability – Gross Working Capital can be divided in two categories viz. ,(i) permanent or fixed working capital, and (ii) Temporary, Seasonal or variable working capital. Such type of classification is very important for hedging decisions. (i) Temporary Working Capital – Temporary Working Capital is also called as fluctuating or seasonal working capital. This represents additional investment needed during prosperity An favorable seasons. It i ncreases with the growth of the business. Temporary working capital is the additional assets required to meet the variations in sales above the permanent level. † This can be calculated as follows: Temporary Working Capital = Total Current Assets – permanent Current Assets (ii) Permanent Working Capital – It is a part of total current assets which is not changed due to variation in sales. There is always a minimum level of cash, inventories, and accounts receivables which is always maintained in the business even if sales are reduced to a minimum. Amount of such investment is called as permanent working capital. Permanent Working Capital is the amount of working capital that persists over time regardless of fluctuations in sales. † This is also called as regular working capital. Importance of Working Capital Management For smooth running an enterprise, adequate amount of working capital is very essential. Efficiency in this area can help, to utilize fixed a ssets gainfully, to assure the firm’s long- term success and to achieve the overall goal of maximization of the shareholders, fund. Shortage or bad management of cash may result in loss of cash discount and loss of reputation due to non-payment of obligation on due dates.Insufficient inventories may be the main cause of production held up and it may compel the enterprises to purchase raw materials at unfavorable rates. Like-wise facility of credit sale is also very essential for sales promotions. It is rightly observed that â€Å"many a times business failure takes place due to lack of working capital. Adequate working capital provides a cushion for bad days, a concern can pass its period of depression without much difficulty. The significance of adequate working capital is â€Å"to avoid interruption in the production schedule and maintain sales, a concern equires funds to finance inventories and receivables. † The adequacy of cash and current assets together with th eir efficient handling virtually determines the survival or demise of a concern. An enterprise should maintain adequate working capital for its smooth functioning. Both, excessive working capital and inadequate working capital will impair the profitability and general health of a concern. The danger of excessive working capital are as follows: Heavy investment in fixed assets –A concern may invest heavily in its fixed assets which is not justified by actual sales.This may create situation of over capitalization. Reckless purchase of materials- Inventory is purchased recklessly which results in dormant slow moving and obsolete inventory. At the same time it may increase the cost due to mishandling, waste, theft, etc. Speculative tendencies – Speculative tendencies may increase and if profit is increased dividend distribution will also increase. This will hamper the image of a concern in future when speculative loss may start. Liberal credit – Due to liberal credi t, size of accounts receivables will also increase.Liberal credit facility can increase bad debts and wrong practices will start, regarding delay in payments. Carelessness – Excessive working capital will lead to carelessness about costs which will adversely affect the profitability. Paucity of working capitalist also bad and has the following dangers: 1. Implementation of operating plans becomes difficult and a concern may not achieve its profit target. 2. It is difficult to pay dividend due to lack of funds. 3. Bargaining capacity is reduced in credit purchases and cash discount could not be availed. 4.An enterprise looses its reputation when it becomes difficult even to meet day-to- day commitments. 5. Operating inefficiencies may creep in when a concern cannot meet it financial promises. 6. Stagnates growth as the funds are not available for new projects. 7. A concern will have to borrow funds at an exorbitant rate of interest in case of need. 8. Sometimes, a concern may be bound to sale its product at a very reduced rates to collect funds which may harm its image. Meaning of Working Capital Management The management of current assets, current liabilities and inter-relationship between them is termed as working capital management. Working capital management is concerned with problems that arise in attempting to manage the current assets, the current liabilities and the inter-relationship that exist between them. † In practice, â€Å"There is usually a distinction made between the investment decisions concerning current assets and the financing of working capital. † From the above, the following two aspects of working capital management emerges: (1) To determine the magnitude of current assets or â€Å"level of working capital† and (2) To determine the mode of financing or â€Å"hedging decisions. Significance of Working Capital Management Funds are needed in every business for carrying on day-to-day operations. Working capital f unds are regarded as the life blood of a business firm. A firm can exist and survive without making profit but cannot survive without working capital funds. If a firm is not earning profit it may be termed as ‘sick’, but, not having working capital may cause its bankruptcy working capital in order to survive. The alternatives are not pleasant. Bankruptcy is one alternative. Being acquired on unfavorable term as another.Thus, each firm must decide how to balance the amount of working capital it holds, against the risk of failure. † Working capital has acquired a great significance and sound position in the recent past for the twin objects of profitability and liquidity. In period of rising capital costs and scare funds, the working capital is one of the most important areas requiring management review. It is rightly observed that, â€Å"Constant management review is required to maintain appropriate levels in the various working capital accounts. †Mainly the success of a concern depends upon proper management of working capital so â€Å"working capital management has been looked upon as the driving seat of financial manager. † It consumes a great deal of time to increase profitability as well as to maintain proper liquidity at minimum risk. There are many aspects of working capital management which make it an important function of the finance manager. In fact we need to know when to look for working capital funds, how to use them and how measure, plan and control them. A study of working capital management is very important for internal and external experts.Sales expansion, dividend declaration, plants expansion, new product line, increase in salaries and wages ,rising price level, etc. , put added strain on working capital maintenance. Failure of any enterprise is undoubtedly due to poor management and absence of management skill. Importance of working capital management stems from two reasons, viz. , (i) A substantial portion o f total investment is invested in current assets, and (ii) level of current assets and current liabilities will change quickly with the variation in sales.Though fixed assets investment and long-term borrowing will also response to the changes in sales, but its response will be weak. Conclusion Although some companies began the process of improving their working capital management five or even 10 years ago, many others were driven to focus on the issues by funding disruptions and cash shortages brought by the global crisis. The effects of the many challenges faced by large companies during that period are evident today in both operational practices and strategic priorities.